Tuesday 5 August 2008

It's upside down, dad! Why?

I borrow this excerpt from Rocky's Bru with humblest apologies.

Displaying the flag upside down is internationally accepted to denote extreme distress. It is not a sign of disrespect for the flag.

Now, I too am of the opinion that the nation is in a "screwed up situation" - and would do the same of hanging the flag upside down to show my displeasure. However, what do I say when my 8-year old my son tells me, "Dad, you've got the Malaysian Flag upside down!"

Do I tell him that we now live in troubling and uncertain times? Or do I state my displeasure of what is going on in the country ... Anwar sodomy case, BN corruption claims, MCA sex scandals, etc. It's amazing but these are many of the stories that seem to greet an 8-year old on the front page of national newspapers today - but are strangely considered taboo enough to be censored by FINAS.

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