Wednesday 24 December 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Tis the season to be jolly ... wishing all a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is the time to eat plentifully, drink merrily and love wonderfully.

It is also the time for wishes ... and mine include (for family and friends) :-

* World Peace
* Lots of Love
* Good Health
* More Wealth
* Liverpool winning the Premiership

You have a pleasent festive season ... drive safe!

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Single mums on offer!

The Star, Saturday November 1, 2008 ... MARRIED men in Malacca may receive RM1,000 from the state government if they choose to take poor, single mothers as second wives, reported Harian Metro.

Mari! Mari! Pilih-lah ... macam-macam ada! Muda ... tua ... kurus ... gemuk ... tinggi ... pendek! Plus, ada special offer ... 1 anak, 2 anak, 3 anak atau lebih pun ada. Special offer ... I kasi u RM1,000 - you angkat pegi kahwin.

Not seeming to be insensitive to single mothers in Malacca, this is exactly the scenario that the Malacca State Government has proposed. It has literally shot itself in the foot with this mind-boggling and shallow-minded concept of "helping/assisting/aiding" these women.

The big question is ... How many single mums gave their consent for the State Government to begin with the concept of rewarding RM1,000 for men to take them as a second wife? Was a survey or poll done amongst these single mothers and what was the criteria (age, children, income, etc.)? Where are the research findings?

There's more in the report ... In an effort to curb social ills such as illicit sex and Mat Rempit, the state government would consider giving a similar incentive to youths who get married before 30.

This is truly amazing and just imagine this scenario ... enjoy the good life, engage in illicit sex and become a Mat Rempit and then "retire" at about 27/28. After a 1-2 year sabbatical, you will be able to request for RM1,000 as incentive to get married before 30. What a beautiful arrangement!

The Malacca State Government certainly epitomises the "katak di bawah tempurung" adage.

What a load of rubbish! And here we go towards achieving a developed nation status by 2020 ... we'll get there with the brawn but not with the brain.

Friday 31 October 2008

Bye Bye ... and R.I.P.

The Malaysian Judiciary, the Police and the Government will once again come under tremendous international scrutiny after the release of political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda of the murder abetment charge in the murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

This should start tongues-a-wagging at the local mamaks and pubs as well as various international circles. This is truly a remarkable case with more than meets the eye.

Welcome to Malaysia ... where there's a circus everyday with a ringmaster extraordinaire.

Thursday 30 October 2008

Ommmm ... KANOT!!

Yoga is bad for you ... it may assist you in deviating from the spiritual teachings that you were brought up on. You see, and I paraphrase from The Star newspaper ... the National Fatwa Council will soon come out with a ruling on yoga exercise because lecturer Prof Zakaria Stapa of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Islamic Studies Centre advised Muslims who have taken up yoga to stop practising it as it could deviate from their belief. Check out the report in The Star.

What's yoga ... ? Well, I borrowed this description from Wikipedia. Prof Zakaria probably knows this ... While Yoga evolved as a spiritual practise in Hinduism, in the Modern world, a part of yoga, known as Asana, has grown popular as a form of purely physical exercise. Some Western practice has little or nothing to do with Hinduism or spirituality, but is simply a way of keeping fit and healthy. This is only a part of the broad view of yoga.

A person should have strength in his/her beliefs to choose what's right ... and not have some academician tell them.

Anyway, this is probably a launch for the new school of yoga ... YOGA HALAL (bersenam tanpa was-was). This will then be a Government initiated campaign and launched worldwide with Malaysia being the hub for this new form of exercise.


Saturday 11 October 2008

Malaysia ... truly Asia ... truly amazing!

Truly amazing is how the Malacca State Government should be described. It has unbelievably conferred a Datukship to Bollywood film star Shah Rukh Khan.

The was also justification to the conferment of the award ... Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the decision to confer the title on the actor was based on a suggestion by former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin to Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob recently as a means to further promote Malacca owing to the fact that the actor had shot a movie scene here several years ago. BTW, where is our "beloved" former Finance Minister - he seems to have been missing in action of late.

Many Malaysians have also heard of fees attached to the conferment of various titles but we will of course choose not to believe that SRK had even the slightest notion of this so-called prerequisite, and was honoured accordingly - for his contributions!

The conferment of the title has also caused much concern among the other state governments. You see many Malaysians (actors, actresses and wannabes) have treated us to various "home made productions" not shown on regular media ... and they may now want their names added to the Datuk list - for their contributions!

These are local celebrities who have made a name for themselves through "movies" seen via mobile phones, You Tube, the Internet, E-mails and sometimes, hitting the big time with VCD/DVD discs only available at the Pasar Malams.

In "Malaysia ... truly Asia", it has become a standing joke amongst the public that "if you were to throw a stone , you would most likely hit a Datuk" (and not the parental type either).

Soon, this phenomenon will be seen in Bollywood, Hollywood (Datuk Michelle Yeoh - she deserves it-lah), F1 circuits (Datuk Jean Todt) ... and I'm sure many more that I can't remember!

I end by borrowing an article written by TV Smith and featured in the Sunday Star in 2003 ... where he posed, "What if datukships were transferable and could be traded like club memberships? What would the ads look like, he wonders... please click for a good laugh :)

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Let's go home!

Malaysia, a nation comprising a wonderful array of people called Malaysians. They come in all shapes and sizes, a fun loving group of different colour, race and religion - people from throughout the world who have made this Peninsular their home ... each with differing principles and philosophies of life. Its a gathering of humanity who's friendship has remained steadfast throughout many generations.

Now let us pray that this Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive season sees a renewal of the strength and love amongst the population. We need to go back to a time when no one was called pendatang - a time when when the words of pukimak, niamah and pundek were freely used amongst groups of adults of different ethnic backgrounds without fear that they would cause embarrassment amongst the group - or a fear of being beaten up.

Incidentally, school children and teenagers (i.e. the growing years) were also not adverse to using these "lovely terms of endearment" amongst their friends.

Today, on the eve of a celebration, let us all hop on board our preferred mode of transportation and head home for the holidays ... for some soul-searching that will help all of us to live together in peace and harmony for the many, many years to come.

Selamat Hari Raya Malaysia ... Have a safe trip home!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Perfect Timing!!

They have gone and done it ... just a day before The Kuala Lumpur High Court was to hear a habeas corpus bid by Raja Petra's lawyers to overturn his detention. The man who dares speak ... right or wrong, the full gospel or half-truths, has been shut-up for at least 2 years.

Yes! RPK has been locked up - silenced!

Well dear RPK ... many Malaysians throughout the country (at least I believe that) appreciate your commitment towards highlighting issues that concern the well-being of our country. Rest assured, millions will be praying for you and continuing your fight for justice ... and may you be out soon.

I wonder who's next!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 17 September 2008

"Flip-Flop" ... let me show you how!

The PM and DPM have done a swap of portfolios and now the master of the "flip-flop" will teach his learned right-hand man the art of swaying to the tune that's playing.

Mari-lah saya ajar cara "berflip-flop" untuk kemesraan and kejayaan negara tercinta kami. I go here ... you go there ... and together-gether we will go.

Remember the rule of thumb ... say something ground-breaking or earth-shattering (or just plain dumb) and let it be featured in the mass media.

Then, either later on the same or the next day, do the exact opposite! Your confusion will confuse the people and your smart turn-a-rounds will have the rakyat running in circles and bemused with the decisions that you took.

Now you're safe until the next issue crops up ... boleh-lah kita sailing bersama-sama. You bawa I dengan heli ke yacht gua lah?

Monday 15 September 2008

Gua tabik sama lu!

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has tendered his resignation as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

I salute you Datuk! May other politicians have the balls to do what you did ... to stand by your principles and act accordingly. God bless you and best wishes for the future - I am sure millions of Malaysians, like me, wish this for you.

United we stand ...

Divided we fall!

Strange but it seems the current administration is going all out to give the Opposition a comfortable, free and easy ride in taking over the running of the country. Instead of enduring itself to the general public, especially after the shame of the March 8 thrashing, it is now doing everything "against the order"of logic.

The detention of 3 Malaysians under the ISA - and excuses of it being used to protect a person's life (Jay Leno would have been proud of that one) - hardly puts the men in power in the good books of the public. Now, almost every Malaysian (with a brain) is coming together in a show of solidarity to vent their frustration at the "flip-flopping" of our dear leaders and opposing the archaic and draconian ISA law.

The de facto Law Minister - Datuk Zaid Ibrahim - has volunteered his resignation and is sticking his head out by going against the grain of the ruling coalition. There are many others (MCA, MIC, and of course the Opposition gang) who are also calling for the Act to be used for what it was designed for - communism and subversive threats.

So, now the people are being united by the manipulation of the ruling government - but unfortunately, standing up and going against it. The unity of the people and the division amongst the ruling ranks will surely leave the door open for "foreign elements" easily walk in and operate in comfort and style.

Let us Malaysians stand and beat the drum of change ... together!

On a separate note ... The whole uncertainty of the government as well as its odd decisions and actions are in fact benefiting the Telcos - as the SMS and phone calls are being racked up by a concerned and very nervous population.

Friday 12 September 2008

Mr. Flip-Flop ... back to work!

Back online screamed the headlines of The Star this morning ... with the Cabinet ordering the ­reinstatement of all blocked websites, including the controversial Malaysia Today. Then guess what happens ... RPK gets arrested under the draconian ISA law.

And earlier, Mr. Ahmad "I am adamant" & "I say what I mean" Ismail gets suspended, and now three newspapers - Sin Chew Daily, The Sun and Suara Keadilan - get issued show cause letters by the Home Ministry.

A case of the Flip-flops or translated :"I need to silence the minority for the benefit of the majority who I have offended. Kita mesti bersama ... berunited untuk keamanaan Malaysia kita yang tercinta."

Go figure! Here comes tomorrow's headlines ... "RPK Arrested, Newspapers warned!"For all others, hold on tight to your pens, pencils and keyboards or you too ... could be sharing a cuppa in the company of RPK.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Dream a little dream!

By golly! The good old boy has actually done it ... awoke from his slumber and put his foot down. A man who has woken up to challenge the majority - making a decision that will have many, many repercussions.

"What about us? ", cry his flock. We deserve the right to be the people who decide what's right and what's wrong - who can and who cannot - who will and who won't - to name them and shame them!

You - who have awoken - have struck a cord that might just save your place in the annals of Malaysian history ... a leader who awoke and made a difference.

This is an opportunity for you to show all Malaysians that racism will not be tolerated - that we live in a fragile environment - where a spark can lead to a raging fire, engulfing and wiping out a "once integrated community of people".

Back to the days when the Malays, Indians and Chinese (and others) ate, slept, played and enjoyed the company of each other without fearing what others might say. Days gone by when parents were not afraid to leave their children in the company of caring neighbours - with no qualms about religion they practised.

Dear Mr. PM - you have awoken and your message is loud and clear. Do not fall back into your infamous "sleep mode" and watch the nation (that I know you dearly love) disintegrate.

The dream is becoming a reality! Long live Malaysia and all Malaysians.

Monday 1 September 2008

I see, I hear and I shall speak

Whether his postings are true or they contain a fair share of imaginative non-fiction, RPK and each and every person in Malysia deserves the right to be heard. The Internet provided Malaysians that avenue - and now, the road to the "expression of freedom" is being denied. I will not taking it lying down ... for I see, I hear and I shall speak.

For 50 years, the rakyat was coerced into the good life with the many promises - and hard nosed policies of the ruling government. The axe of the ISA was wielded and it worked fine ... keeping all in tow (no demonstrations ... no "right to challenge" the powers that be). The March general elections showcased an emergence of a fragmented union (oxymoron?) of Malaysians in telling the ruling coalition where to shove it.

This year's National Day celebrations brought about the true meaning of Merdeka (Independence) - the opportunity to express our right to freedom of speech. The are many elements that want to curtail this "new found lease of life" ... but beware!

Be nice, be humble, be respectful ... or you will never have the opportunity to say and do what you believe is beneficial to the rakyat. It's been 50 years since Independence, but this is the 1st real year of democracy.

Beat Internet censorship by Putrajaya.
Access RPK and Malaysia Today through

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Dang! Forgot to shave!

As in any beauty pageant, much time and effort is taken into preparing oneself for the competition. That's irrespective of whether the other contestants have a chance or not ... the objective is to be prepared and win at all costs.

Perception is important as people see first (I speak of pageants here) - and listen later, resulting in an elimination process that leaves only a few contenders standing and competing. Then comes the dreaded crunch ... time to speak. Be it in your native language or through a translator your responses to the questioning determines whether you have what it takes to be the winner (knowledge of the local language or any other language will definitely be an asset).

Remember ... never open your mouth to speak unless you have something good to say. After all, we can still get away with the beauty that we have been blessed with by the Almighty ... but when we speak, millions listen.

PS. I wonder if the above picture of the SIL depicts participation in some sort of pageant (Transvestites held in 'beauty pageant'), and would some righteous zealot be appalled at the participation and lodge a police report for unbecoming behaviour and encourage the formation of a committee to investigate these bizarre pictures.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Let's get ready to rumble!

Lights ... camera ... action!
The world awaits as the re-run of the 1998 blockbuster "Me, Myself and the Mattress" makes its return in the mass media. Certain members of the cast from the original are making a comeback in the sequel ... and remember, not all sequels are terrible. After all, The Godfather II was considered by many as the best of the trilogy.

Interestingly, immediately after the announcement of the elections dates for the Permatang Pauh by-election, the police serve a subpoena on DSAI based on the go-ahead from the AG.

The circus has come to town. Let us stand and applaud the animals and the clowns that have come - unwelcomed - to entertain us.

Over to you Mr.Ringmaster.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

It's upside down, dad! Why?

I borrow this excerpt from Rocky's Bru with humblest apologies.

Displaying the flag upside down is internationally accepted to denote extreme distress. It is not a sign of disrespect for the flag.

Now, I too am of the opinion that the nation is in a "screwed up situation" - and would do the same of hanging the flag upside down to show my displeasure. However, what do I say when my 8-year old my son tells me, "Dad, you've got the Malaysian Flag upside down!"

Do I tell him that we now live in troubling and uncertain times? Or do I state my displeasure of what is going on in the country ... Anwar sodomy case, BN corruption claims, MCA sex scandals, etc. It's amazing but these are many of the stories that seem to greet an 8-year old on the front page of national newspapers today - but are strangely considered taboo enough to be censored by FINAS.