Thursday 7 May 2009

The day the music died

It is a sad day in the history of Malaysian politics - a day when a state is divided and a day when men behave like children. The parents of these children should bear the responsibility for their up-bringing ... they should be charged in court for delivering into this world ill-mannered and disruptive human beings. Let us all lodge police reports ... after all, this appears to be a trend today.

It is because of the many, many "anal" reports that the police force is hard-pressed to fight crime on the streets (i.e. Mat Rempits, snatch thefts, drugs, illegal immigrants, break-ins, corruption, etc.). The police are too busy looking into these reports, and it is the amount of paper work that's keeping them at the desks and not on the street where they should be!!

Anyways ..... the proceedings at Perak State Assembly has left a bitter taste in one's mouth - when power-crazed men and women who are leaders of a state (and possibly future leaders of the nation) act out a drama of "Mine ... Not Yours!" (or the local version of "Gua punya ... bukan Lu Punya").

There are so many things wrong ... you cannot wear black, you cannot be opinionated, you cannot cross "this" line, YOU cannot come here - and doing any of these "tidak bolehs" will lead to one destination ... the cool rooms of a cell.

In the current economic downturn, ideas must be generated to assist the public from up-coming hardships. The decision makers of Perak State should sincerely get their act together and figure out what the people want ... don't always assume you know what they want.

The people spoke and you ignored their freedom to speak - to choose - to determine what they want. You ripped it right out ... albeit with some help to a few turncoats! Well, there is only one way for you to find out ... and that is through a survey - one that is called "Election".

In the land of BOLEH, it is a crying shame that there are banyak "TAK BOLEHs".

It is truly a day when the music has stopped playing for the Malaysian public - a day when democracy has been thrown out the windows and into those large desolate pools of water that now litter this once-rich mining town of the country.

The tin has gone and so has the music.

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