Monday 16 February 2009

Real People ... Real Lives

Much has been written and said about Elizabeth Wong, the outspoken Bukit Lanjan assemblyman over nude pictures of her that have been circulating via MMS. I have not seen the pictures - but from all accounts, it appears that she did not pose for it. Moreover, in today's world of modern technology, nothing (especially the body) is scared anymore.

Just ask Chua Soi Lek ... it was adultery and is there a sense of wrong there? In a land where morality rules, I guess he had no option but to do the right thing and resign. (Although, I did not take too kindly his comments and rationalization of his adulterous affair).

There's also the phrase ... there's no smoke without a fire! And there have been many instances of our truly exalted leaders being mentioned 'in the same breath' of various immoral activities (that includes corruption). Did they resign? Hmmm ....

Today, a gay woman (lesbian) has been named as the Prime Minister of Iceland, and we all vividly remember Bill Clinton (ex-President USA) getting caught with his pants down. This is reality ... and it is here to stay in Malaysia, and let us not be a 'katak di bawah tempurung'.

We must realise that pornography is at the click of a button on the Internet and accessible to just about anyone at any age. So parents, do remember to install Anti-Porn for your kids - although they will certainly find out about the birds and the bees (very graphically) in school. I know I did!

Everyone is entitled to their privacy and the shameless person that has circulated Elizabeth Wong's photographs should be 'half buried in sand in the hot blazing sun, with honey poured over and a million fire ants released in the vicinity (some bees might also want to be included in the fun)'.

I have no affiliations towards Elizabeth Wong, except that I believe she is a "real person experiencing life in the real world" ... having a boyfriend, having sex, trusting someone and getting betrayed. That appears to be a normal situation that most people would have lived through ... albeit without the pictures! (although we have heard of many similar horror stories).

Elizabeth's reputation has been tarnished but for the rest of the country ... this is all about reality, her personal life ... so, deal with it and get on with your daily lives. The press and the police (authorities) should also play their role in identifying the perpetrator/distributor of the pictures and not pursue the politician. We can only hope and pray this will be the path taken ...

She should not resign ... although she probably will (have too). C'est la vie :)

Tilam! Tilam! Beli baru tukar lama!

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